Living in Spain

Traffic Fines in Spain

Traffic fines in Spain are increasing, perhaps due to Spain currently having the lowest speed limits in Europe and many local town halls in desperate need to recoup money. Living in Spain or just visiting you will find that a knowledge of the possible traffic offences and fines can be very important.

On-the-spot traffic fines can be imposed for a range of traffic offences:

Overtaking without indicating
Travelling too close to the car in front
Not being in possession of your car papers (although you’re now permitted to carry a photocopy of your papers in your car)
Not wearing a seat belt
Routinely, on-the-spot fines are imposed on non-resident foreigners. The police have the right to escort you to a bank or hotel where you can obtain money or exchange foreign currency to pay the fine immediately. Cars can also be impounded if you’re unable to pay a fine.

The police have the right to impound a foreign-registered car if they believe that it’s used permanently in Spain. It is your responsibility to prove to the Police that you live abroad, which can be difficult.

Speeding fines depend on the degree to which you exceed the speed limit; the fine is incremental and can be as high as 600€, up to six points on your licence or even having your licence suspended.

Towing is big business in Spain, a large number of cars can be seen being towed on the roads daily. If your car is towed away, you must pay the towing fee, in addition to the parking fine.

If you have received notification of a traffic offence and fine, the fine can be paid through the department of traffic website. Full details of how to pay your fine can be found here.

We help expats living on the Costa del Sol with interpreters, administration, taxes and advice in their own language. If you have any questions about Traffic fines in Spain, please contact us.

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